I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Waz up

Been pretty busy since i got back to work after chinese new year (cny)... unlike all previous cny for the last 3 or 4 yrs, this year has been a happier and eventful one with visiting and knowing ppl. Work has been pretty caught up since it's the beginning of the year and i have to report my dept performance for last year. All good though :)

Picking up a good novel has always been what i enjoyed, the title of what i am reading now caught my attention and i grabbed it home from a 2nd hand book store at a reasonable price. It always takes a bit of reading past chapter one or the first few pages to decide if this book gonna be one that i wouldn't put down. In fact, decided this morning that i am gonna indulged myself with it for all my train rides to n fro work now on. ^_^  

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