I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wats Wokking

I have been having a cooking fever recently lo...had been spending my spare time searching for recipe online :P. All thanks to my Happycall pan purchase 2 months back, cooking has seems to be easier and more enjoyable since having the pan.

Let's see what i have wok up thus far.. ^-^

Salmon with basil & cheese (no oil used, totally healthy & yummy)

Cola chicken winglet (it tastes sweet & tender)

Butter cupcake with cream cheese frosting

Silver fish fried rice (my bf fav ^_^)


Coffee Pork Ribs

Chicken & pork claypot rice (this is a must try)

Recipe for all the dishes above and more are available here ----> http://munchministry.com/recipe-archive-page/
Hope you have fun as much as i have....gonna post more of what i gonna be cooking soon, intend to try making Cinnmon roll this weekend if time permit. -_<

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