I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A bag of rice

Carrying a bag of 10kg rice has always been a tedious task for me, even if it is just buying it from the provision shop downstair n taking the lift to bring it home.
However 3 mths ago, that is what I hv been carrying with me for god knows how many years. =______=
And I am really proud of myself for successfully shedding 10kg with strict diet and tons of discipline. Though still overweight currently, i am therefore still determine to shed off another 5kg to hit a healthier bmi index. Ya...I could not describe how tough it was to maintain my diet of replacing dinner with fruits and counting my calories intake every meal....saying no to my favorite fried food, less salty, less oil, less rice and lots n plenty of water. However, the joy of positive comments from people around me and the ability to don prettier clothing was such a bonus ^____^ not to mentioned a more confident ME!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life has been great

That's basically what I felt now...things seems to b getting better and I'm now slightly happier. A little load off my mind at least.
Today had a quite tiring day attending a boring training.lunch provided though....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dots n more dots....

manicurist : what nail art would you wanna do this round
Me : polka dot....urmmm...pink n black
Manicurist : Polka dot Again???
Me : *grinning* Ya....as least I dnt see ppl hving it ^_^

This time round, the pink n black was an inspiration I got frm my cutie umbrella that I bought not long ago online.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Getting n feeling lighter....simply loving it. 3 mths of effort and tons of determination, though still a distance away from my target...am still damn proud of my achievement. ^_^

My birthday had creep past jus days ago, had a really quiet one this yr. nevertheless, felt loved by the little party ppl around me arranged.