I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

7th Month Prayer

This month, people throughout different parts of Asia, make it a practice to take care of the souls of the dead... souls that are set free to wander the earth among us for a little while as the gates of the spirit world (both Heaven and Hell) are opened for them. Billions of spirits roam freely to visit those of us so fortunate to live in the human realm.  We appease these spirits with certain rituals and feasts, entertainment and gift offerings, burning hell paper money, other paper items, and incense. 

The company im working in had the 7th month prayer done today...lol pix time

All the offerings from fruits, duck, chicken, suckling pig, roast pork etc

I was busy like a bee ensuring that i managed to grab every type of paper items, from hell money, gold bar, passport visa, clothing etc

everyone was stopping by the big incense joss stick, i went over and hehehe...i told pix so i can zoom in and see the 4 lucky number clearer....lottery time

This one guy wanna ask for his own winning number instead, look how sincere he seems to be....im sure in his heart he is mumbling :"give me a set of lucky 4d number that gonna strike first prize this weekend!"

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