I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

peeping in

i admit it, i have been lazy and did not blog for days >.<. but here goes my few days of activities in today post.

Went to couple lab at lot 1 during lunch time on monday to collect the nameplate necklace which me and mandeline each made last friday. It's made with anti rust surgical steel as what the sales person at the counter claimed.

(in small voice) now my real name is revealed n known to all >-< , btw, that's my horoscope sign beside my name :D

That night i drop by the supermarket on my way home from work and look at what i bought...

Not much green as i have already bought some last friday, more canned food to add to my supplies and some sweet and sour frozen pork...yap i have plans to cook this weekend...will post pix of what i cook then.

last nite, i had porridge again, paddy says porride sounds like its for breakfast, but he have no idea the many stuff i throw in when i cook the porridge...hehehe

of course i don't eat the ginger, but i put lots of ginger as it makes the porridge smells great, and i throw in some lean pork and (whisper) pig stomach. yummy!

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