I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bling Apple Bling

I bling my iphone3GS on saturday using Swarovski crystals (no joke man :P ), it took me about an hour since it is my first attempt and the glue is a bit of a mess (sounds like excuses huh).

i applied glue and started putting those crystal on
Done! initially, i am supposed to stop here, but i am starting to get the hang of it and so i thought why not.....
The end result :)
The camera and the pictures did not do those Swarovski crystals justice (hey it's no ordinary crystal k >.<), it's so much blingy in real and especially in the dark

So, this is what i did which i thought should be what it really looks like :) .........


This is more like it! *grinning*

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