I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We had a newly appointed operation manger recently and I caught a conversation between 2 oh his engineers.

Engineer A: our boss has been asking us for so many of the product samples and I saw him taking pictures of them all.

Engineer B : ooh! He also asked for some samples from me and told me it was for photo taking.

Me : really? (O_O) I also heard he got one of the supervisor to submit to him pictures of all his operators and technicians.

Engineer A : hey, why is he taking n collecting so much of those pictures and he has not share any with us >_<

Engineer B : most probably he hv them uploaded on his Facebook n we are not his friends on fb, thus we can't see them. (^_−)

Engineer A : I rather not be his fb friend  ̄ー ̄

By now, I was like laughing my ass off!!!(^O^)

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