I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Love = heart

In some stage of ones' life...love jus walk in the door most unexpectedly..n  unplanned.

Do you know when love is just beautiful?
When his smile and laughter is like the sunrise to your happiness, and just the mere thought of him creates a tidal wave of butterflies in the pit of your stomach, but in a good way.
When you awake every morning to a sweet text message telling you everything you want to hear.
When he makes you feel like the only human being existing in his world and you just feel an endless supply of love, like nothing, not a single thing can bring you down.
When you realised you didn't give him just all of you, but every single part of you belong to him.

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