I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crazy yet Memorable day

My heart racing fast
My feet getting cold
My hands shaking bit
My mind blowing up

It's unexpected n not something I ever thought I would hv done...it's a memorable day...I had today marked in my phone calendar

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


"Never say goodbye even if you cry, I am always by your side"

"We may be far apart, but I always hv u close in my heart"

Friday, December 23, 2011

long lonely holiday

today gonna be the last working day for year 2011, im not as happy as i should be     -______-
i have no activitives lined up next week though im not working and christmas day gonna be a lonely one again this year :( *sob sob*

lonely christmas tree

Thursday, December 22, 2011

year end celebration

Had a year end celebration at my work place with my guys today, i ordered christmas party set and golden pillow for this occasion.

beautiful x'mas cake that is damn yummy too

christmas party set that includes a ham, 6 party platters and a christmas log cake from kyo cakes 

complimentary chinese new year cookies from kyo cakes

Golden pillow from golden pillow 933, i ordered one chicken curry and one fish curry...nom nom

all the presents for the gift exchange

From left: Jamie, Me :), Hui xian, Mandeline & Joan

All of us

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


If we must part forever,
Give me but one kind word to think upon,
And please myself with, while my heart's breaking. </3
~Thomas Otway

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

People change

Sometimes, we are unconscientious that we have changed.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Life is CRAZY

Weekend was a crazy one, i can't drop the details here as it's just tooo personal in my opinion. But....definitely something i never once thought i would have done...sober or not.
Apart from being a bit crazy, life goes on, i did spring cleaning of my room and all things are now where they should be (not for long i presume :p).
Also continue with hving the ribbon that i bling glued to my new handphone bumper.....Woot! it looks 'ciao'...Loved it!! Self made OK!! ........ya i knw....what a show off i'm  *laughing away*  ^_^

Friday, December 16, 2011

woot! here comes friday!!

my lunch today was again sinful...Nasi Brayani

I bling the ear cap for the phone and around the home button of the phone for one of my female inspector...not to forget mentioning...don't my nails' color look nice ^_^

My male inspector also requested that i did some bling on his iphone casing, so i bling him an apple

 i bling this ribbon just a moment ago, which i intend to glue it to my iphone casing after it has dry up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quote of the day

" Sadness flies away on the wings of time"                   - Jean De La Fontaine ...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

sometimes i just could not understand..

Yap, sometimes i just could not understand, why would stuff just changes overnite. It was just yesterday that you were talking to me like it has been for the last 4 to 5 months on a daily basis without fail, and out of the sudden and just overnite, you seems to disappear into thin air...leaving no traces like you had never exist before. The sad things is, the globe is still spinning and life still goes on around me regardless of your existence...no one and nothing was affected except me. :(  

You took away my smile

To my mini,

I still wonder after 6 days of not hearing from you what's went wrong....i still hope like i did everyday for the last 6 days that i will hear from you again...and...많이 보고싶어.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

those were the days..

well i added my secondary school classmate that i met yesterday to my fb last nite and OMG!!!!   O.O
i received many more add friend request who are all my seconday school mates i had never hear from or seen for more than 10 years (16 yrs to be exact) since i left school. And OMG again!!!! they posted a pix taken during those days.

The picture itself is so nostalgia ^_^ try to find me lol, took me a while *laughing*

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I felt guilty my game had consumed me that causes me to slow down my visits here *grinning*
But what the heck.......I Am Back!

while walking to work this morning from the train station, i met a secondary school friend, i recognize her instantly while it took her a while to recognize me  =______= 
OUCH! Am i so much older now? too fat? too ugly? or should i be positive....prettier ^_^ which is why she can't recognized me instantly?? hmmmmm......
Anyway, was a pleasant 15 mins walk to the office building as her office building was just opposite mine, we exchange business card and of course e-mail to keep us connected through facebook in the future.

would had love to write more which i will tomorrow (hehehe..) but i got to leave for home now...Woot!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Saw these stuff sold at a shop today, all for iphone used lol. I thought it was interesting. Again, when i saw these stuff, i look like this O_O
hahahaha...im like a mountain tortoise

This is like a iphone dock and all you need to do is place your phone in the slot and had the plug connected to the phone....when your phone rings, pick it up like a desk phone lol

I had a good laugh with this one, imagine your iphone rings while you are on the train and you take out this gigantic earpiece, plug it in your phone and pick up the call. Sure to turn heads lol

This is cute, i bought it to just plug in n make my phone looks 'excited'..hehe

Monday, October 10, 2011

under the weather

been sick for days and thus had not much to blog about since i had been in bed most of the time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I knw I have been sort of quiet lately.

Well, silence could means a new phase of life, a start of something new, trying new stuff, hiding in seclusion or many more.

I can't yet decide what causes my silence...finger crossed XX

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, September 30, 2011


Did u realised? The more u love someone...the more it hurts.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sometimes, i simply miss having someone to hold me.
Most of the time, when i pause a moment from what is keeping me busy, i would wish the person i miss were just right there.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Don't say it if you don't mean it, but once said, be responsible for your words.

Even though life seems hectic..work, games, ???....but i still felt so lonely inside me

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mid autumn festival vs angry bird

Suppose to be writing about the festival yesterday but got pretty busy with work and slipped my mind *guilty look*
took pix of those colourful lanterns thats are so beautiful and cute,and i am so amazed how angry birds flood our everyday lives.....see to believe

Angry birds designed pens and all sorts of stationery are available in the market

I know...thats not angry bird but plants Vs Zoombie...might be the next hot stuff in town -.<

Bought this sweet iphone cover today made of cloth...its a pig lol

Saw this Mr. Bean's bear and intend to buy it for joe who simply loves Mr Bean

Friday, September 9, 2011

Kelong Acheh, Malaysia

Finally, i have time to blog about my weekend trip to kelong acheh and post some pix here ^_^

@ the jetty

All ready to set off

me & mandeline wearing similar design flip flop

Kelong acheh...where we gonna spend our time for 2 days :D 

front deck

everyone just got so enthusiatic with fishing

Fishes we caught

Dinner @ the kelong...seriously meals are damn yummy and we are served 5 meals (breakfast, lunch, teabreak, dinner and supper) :P

Fishes that we caught are fried for our dinner

our dorm from the outside

inside the dorm...12 of us in total slept in this room

the toilet...cnt expect 4 star toilet, but would made the trip a more pleasant one if there are better toilet facilities

Beautiful sunset @ kelong acheh