I write down everything I wanna remember n also 2 empty my mind, it may b thoughts of the moment...that come unsought 4 n commonly the most valuable. Whether or not I write well, it doesn't matter.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Bought some girly stuff today

Buy 1 get 1 free insta-dri nail polish by sally hansen :D

A pair of soft terry cute pink rabbit indoor slipper

I am not an angry bird fan, but it simply just so common nowadays you see it everywhere from angry bird umbrella, lantern, stationery, water bottle, bags and lots more.
Sooo, i bought this angry bird printed water bottle for the kids :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy Bee

Had been soooo busy with work yesterday and too tired last nite to blog. *yawn*
Like what paddy commented, damn Red Flour Beetle is not being considerate at all  >.<
I was busy getting to knw the bug and everything about it to ease my investigation in how it ended up in our packaging.

Wikipedia Says:
The red flour beetle is a tenebrionid beetle. It is a worldwide stored product pest.
Red flour beetles attack stored grain products (flour, cereals, pasta, biscuits, beans, nuts, etc.) causing loss and damage. They may cause an allergic response but are not known to spread disease and cause no damage to structures or furniture.
well, i am expecting myself to be busier end of the week when its due to reply my customer =___=

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Sunday

Was bored and so I decided to do my own manicure....says goodbye to tat scary dark glittering green on my nails done by the salon 2 wks ago n here is my freshly polished French manicure.

Pink nail polish with pink glitter at the tip

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

All about food

Been wanting to blog but had been pushing it to b done later *grin*
I know the below pix was taken few days ago but I got to flash it here as it is a value for money n yummy meal of Thai set lunch that I had @ jurong pt food court for only $6.90 ;)

Been using more of my phone headset recently and it's always entangled whenever I took it out frm my bag, so....ta Dan.....I bought cable roll friend in sweet color of pink :D

Not ending jus yet, on my way walking home from work thursday nite, I finally stop by the Malay food bazaar at the void deck n bought myself a box of handmade sugee cookie....looks really colorful n felt happy just by looking at it :)....and ya, it tastes really nice.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boring day I assumed

Started the day today with half day of training (flipping through the notes given trying to find out wat is the training about :p) .......ahhhhhhhh......it's a training session on work place risk management...ewwwww...sounds damn fuking boring =______=

The trainer only introduce himself half n hr after he kick start the training n the moment he mentioned there is a test at the end of the training and we must pass it or no certificate is issued.. my reaction ---> (O_O)

So I started writing notes n dozing off a bit now n then

Finally...the test

*yawn* .....can I break for lunch now :p

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random pix

Been sorta busy these days but managed to still take pix always. -.<

Bought lottery for last weekend, wouldn't b here blogging if I hv strike the big prize :( would hv been shopping n maybe traveling ...hehehe

My lunch yesterday :) it's ayam penyet (in English it's called flattened chicken)...I knw..yet another sinful meal >.<

And of course, it always goes with one of my fav drink...happy soda :)

I knw this gonna b grossed, but I must talk about the temporary toilet tat HDB set up at my place due to toilet upgrading at my house. A pix speaks a thousand word =_____=

So fuking small I can't even turn around or make much movement...the joy of shower has become a quick few minutes torture..god grieve I hv to put up with it for 10 days.

One day down...9 to go

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

7th Month Prayer

This month, people throughout different parts of Asia, make it a practice to take care of the souls of the dead... souls that are set free to wander the earth among us for a little while as the gates of the spirit world (both Heaven and Hell) are opened for them. Billions of spirits roam freely to visit those of us so fortunate to live in the human realm.  We appease these spirits with certain rituals and feasts, entertainment and gift offerings, burning hell paper money, other paper items, and incense. 

The company im working in had the 7th month prayer done today...lol pix time

All the offerings from fruits, duck, chicken, suckling pig, roast pork etc

I was busy like a bee ensuring that i managed to grab every type of paper items, from hell money, gold bar, passport visa, clothing etc

everyone was stopping by the big incense joss stick, i went over and hehehe...i told pix so i can zoom in and see the 4 lucky number clearer....lottery time

This one guy wanna ask for his own winning number instead, look how sincere he seems to be....im sure in his heart he is mumbling :"give me a set of lucky 4d number that gonna strike first prize this weekend!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Long weekends

For last 4 days that i am not working, i woke up to the national anthem and songs of singapore without fail every morning, students from the primary school located near to where i stay has been clearing their lungs singing since saturday morning to rehearse for their national day school celebration performance on monday night. And on tuesday morning...from the stadium nearby...the town celebating singapore birthday lol.

August...the month of events. Its ramadan, the islamic month of fasting, national day also falls in august, than it also happens to be the 7th lunar month, known as the hungry ghost festival...and not ending here, the singapore government announced that the presidential election will falls on 27th August....ain't it a busy month -.<

Monday, August 8, 2011

Changi airport terminal 3

Went to changi airport terminal 3 with the kids on Saturday, and as usual, they requested to play at singkids playsystem, an indoor playground, with movable equipments aimed to provide a exciting n more dynamic play environment. An hour of activities got them all sweaty lol :)

Well, didn't end there, spent fair bit of time at the interactive art corner after dinner at subway...where the kids try their hands at woodblock rubbing.

Give the slides at T3 a miss today as the queue was really long

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

gloomy day continue....

Well my gloomy mood was not any better even after work yesterday evening, wanted to do something to jus make it better...so i eventually went for my manicure after work...wanna jus add some color.
I visited nail palacce, told the lady i wanted a simple french using jellish, after cleaning all my nails, she asked me to pick the colors i wanted, i told her to jus decide for me. Anyway, she ended up doing what she thought suited me as i told her to do whatever she thought will be nice.

 Well, she seems really meticulous and all serious loh

This is a led lamp box where after each layer of nail polish, we place our hands inside and within 1 to 2 mins, the nail color simply drys up miracly...no mess

Guess she sense my mood, instead of giving me pastel color, she thinks Dark color looks good on me

After the manicure, with those dark green glitter nails, i just felt its seems ready to dig into some human flesh and wet it with some red fresh blood....RAWR!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


In a gloomy mood today  =______=
The sky seems gloomy, the sun is not smiling,
Even my damn watch stop running at 8am sharp (was wondering why i am so early for work today till i realized it fails me >.< ...........Again!!! )
Everyone is a big bully.
I am gonna stop here before i started to curse and swear some innocent folks or even the fukin weather.

Pardon me...but i need to pissed people off a bit today....if you are smart...stay away!!!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

quote of the day

That is precisely what i practice everyday all along, just didn't want to live to regret not being so......but seriously, the result of doing so don't always turn out as how i want it to be. :(
So, what are you waiting for, go tell the people you love that you love him/her/them now ;)